Friday, March 26, 2010

Running Season 2010!!!

Well we kicked off the running season with the Shamrock Shuffle-- a nice little 8k that shares the same starting and ending point as the Chicago Marathon. I'm not sure why the Chicago Marathon committee believes that a good ending point is a nice long hill, but it was good to experience the uphill portion after a much shorter run. I also appreciate the continuity that the running season will have-- starting and ending in the same place.

Anyway, by now you may have guessed that I have decided to run the Chicago Marathon, and you would be correct in that assumption. Last year's journey to the Maui Marathon was truly a transformative experience, and I'm looking forward to embarking upon a similar journey. I'm sure it will be different in many ways-- for one, I'm not having a landmark birthday, and for two, I'm not going to Maui. But I think the training will be different as well. I know what to expect, what to do versus what not to do. And I'm super-excited about the Chicago Marathon-- it's supposed to be one of the best runs in the country. We'll see how it goes...