Sunday, May 31, 2009

8 Mile

I am surprised my legs did not fall off yesterday. The day began with an eight mile run on the lakefront and then afterwards I spent the next seven hours moving Gabbi down three floors of stairs, then up two floors of stairs. After which, I took a brief nap and went out and partied until two a.m. As usual (and like clockwork), I was up at 645 in the morning. I decided to go for a nice long hike today to crosstrain...

It's amazing how motivated I feel. Part of it is that I don't want to stop long enough for the lactic acid to really set in. Part of it is that exercise can be completely addicting-- there's an awesome natural high. And probably the biggest part of it is that I have a goal to reach-- I plan on blasting it away.

Monday, May 25, 2009

7 Miles-- Solo

I missed the group run on Saturday. This occurred for a variety of reasons, the most truthful of which is that I wanted to linger in bed Saturday morning, and I had planned to miss the run so that I could do just that.

So this beautiful Memorial Day morning I woke up, had breakfast with my family, and then went out to run the seven miles I should have run on Saturday. I would have preferred if it were a pleasant experience, but to be honest I spent the greater part of it beating myself up over silly little things that don't really matter. This is a common pitfall of going out and "letting off steam." Sooner or later, it condenses.

The high that I normally get from running failed to materialize today. But instead I managed to gain some insight into myself of which I was previously unaware. I'm not sure what to do with that information, but like everything, I'm sure it will come to me.

I do not think I want to miss a group run again.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

6 Miles

I have been chomping at the bit all week-- completely geared for a challenge-- and so I was ecstatic to pour all that energy into a nice run. It was a long run, 6 miles (although in a few months I'm sure I will consider that a baby run), and now we are getting into the territory of energy gels. My entire pace group collectively ran out of calories to burn. So I'll be making a stop at the running company this week.

Despite being temporarily out of energy, after the run I went to the Chicago Community Garden with Gabbi and tilled some soil for the benefit of the low income families in Cabrini Green. My mother about had a heart attack when I told her I was there, and she is heavily protesting my plan to return next week. But sometimes you just feel the need to give back...

The rest of my day was spent in leisurely pursuits... a fabulous shopping trip in Wicker Park, a wonderful Jamaican BBQ with friends, and then an evening of partying in Andersonville. All this exercise has given me boundless energy-- with that being said, now I am off to cross train. Hiking anyone?

Monday, May 11, 2009

5 Miles

Saturday morning I woke up approximately two hours after I went to sleep, drove to the city, and arrived on Chicago's beautiful lake shore path sharply at 7am. It was freezing again, but this time the pace group was there. It turns out, I am pace group leader-- a position that I take very seriously. I got to take up the front and keep the time.

It was an amazing run for so many different reasons. I got to watch the sun peek through the clouds as I fought against the wind. The cherry trees were in bloom and spilling over the path as I plodded past. The lake remained consistently tumultuous but constant as I just kept on running.

And I was tired, and I was overjoyed, and I was hungover, and I was flying high on cloud 17... And I was thinking-- this is all worth it. This moment is one of the finest moments that life has to offer.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Saturday, May 2, 2009

4 Mile Marker

530 am today I woke up, stuffed myself with fiber, and immediately realized that I forgot to bring my sports bra to the city with me. This begs the question, "where do you get a sports bra at 6 am in Lakeview?" Answer: Walgreens. As the morning bus rolled by I quickly donned my new $5 piece of equipment, hoping that I did not accidentally put on a free show. Then I ate a banana for good measure, and as I finished the last awful bite (I really don't like bananas), we reached the run site.

Today I realized that I overestimated the dedication of some of the others in my pace group. I was the only one in my group and Gabbi was the only one in her group. So we merged the group and ended up running exactly the average time of our two groups combined.

It was a nice four miles-- although it was cold this morning. My limbs felt really stiff because of the cold and I had anticipated a warmer temperature. To keep myself limber I went to the gym to do some strength training when I got back to Oswego and then I hand washed and detailed my car. I have this feeling I overdid it and will be crying tomorrow.